Thursday 6 January 2011


Sexy is associated with what is shown, but how HOT are these buttoned up divas?!?

I want to be this girl.  Princess Turkish Teddy Girl, by Gavin Fernandes

Timeless. YSL Le Smoking. Pioneer of the female Suit. 


Janelle Monee.  If you don't know who she is, where have you been??? This girl is something else. 

Her first single Tightrope is all about her stance on keeping focused as an artist. She says "As an artist it's very important to always keep my balance and not get too high or too low about things.  Even when i'm getting lots of positive reinforcement, to remain calm and enjoy the journey." 
The video is set in a mental asylum.  Yes, getting too high is just as bad as too low.  
A treat for you: 

From Kat,  from Kat land with LOVE xxxxx